Years 7 and 8 suite of materials
The Years 7 and 8 suite of materials has been designed for students aged 12-14 years to increase students’ understanding of skin cancer and sun safety, and to promote their active, positive engagement in sun-protection actions related to clothing, hats and sunglasses.
The materials include:
The design challenge requires students to design a slogan or logo to promote sun safety with respect to clothing, and to communicate the design on a (ready-made) textile item such as a bag or T-shirt by, for example, printing, fabric pens etc.
The research task requires students to research the knowledge and behaviours of a target market in relation to sun-savvy clothing and accessories.
Both the design challenge and the research task have support materials such as:
There are many resources to support both the design challenge and research task, as described in the teacher notes and as listed below, available as downloadable PDFs. It is expected that the teacher will select those resources that are most appropriate to the task, taking into account the students’ abilities, time available and other similar considerations. However, please note that if some activities are omitted, there will be implications for the assessment of the student work and the assessment guide that is provided might need adjustment.
Overview of the Years 7 and 8 suite of materials

Overview of the Years 7 and 8 suite of materials includes information about the tasks, what students submit, how their work is assessed and suggested learning experiences using the resources provided.
Establishing knowledge about sun safety and skin cancer (for both the design challenge and research task)
Teacher notes
Slide shows (PowerPoint presentations)
Fact files
Student response (activity) sheets

Making sense of skin cancer statistics A and
Making sense of skin cancer statistics B
Design challenge: Campaign against skin cancer—The textiles way

Campaign against skin cancer—The textiles way (including curriculum links, suggested learning experiences and ways to use the resources):
Fact files
Student response (activity) sheets

Campaign against skin cancer—Investigating, evaluating and defining my client’s needs
Sample student responses

Campaign against skin cancer—Investigating, evaluating and defining my client’s needs
Research task: Researching sun-safety knowledge and behaviours

Researching sun-safety knowledge and behaviours (including curriculum links, extensive notes on how to scaffold the research and the research report, suggested learning experiences and ways to use the resources)
Fact file:
Student response (activity) sheets

Establishing introductory knowledge
Resources for years 7/8
Resources for years 9/10
Resources for years 11/12
All resources