Welcome to Fashion for the Sun!
Fashion for the Sun is a resource for use in Australian secondary schools. It provides fact sheets and learning experiences to enable students to develop an understanding of the dangers of over-exposure to the sun and to show their creative flair when choosing, designing or promoting cool sun-savvy clothes and accessories.
Skin cancer in Australia
About Fashion for the Sun
Skin cancer prevention
Skin cancer in Australia
About Fashion for the Sun
Skin cancer prevention
Fashion for the Sun resources
Fashion for the Sun includes a number of support materials that align with the Australian Curriculum (for students in Years 7–10, that is, aged 12–16 years approximately) as well as materials for students in Years 11 and 12 (aged 16–18 years approximately). The materials include teacher notes, PowerPoint presentations, design challenges, research tasks, assessment guides, fact files, guidelines and student response (activity) sheets.
knowledge about
skin cancer and
sun safety
(Years 7–12)
for Years
for Years
for Years

Establishing introductory knowledge
Resources for years 7/8
Resources for years 9/10
Resources for years 11/12
All resources